RAPID Performance, with Paul Teasdale: Ep 68

This week I talk with speaker, facilitator, performance improvement practitioner and coach - ME! 

For a couple of reasons (start of the new year, and a small gap in guest episode recordings) I've decided to 'interview' myself for this episode.

From sausage making to banking, through to my time in Formula 1, I share my backstory, talk about who I help and how I help them, and ask myself the same questions I put to my guests.

To find out more, check out my website at https://paulteasdale.co.uk/ and connect with me on LinkedIn via https://www.linkedin.com/in/pauljamesteasdale/ 

To set up a free, no-obligation 30 minute chat use this link: https://calendly.com/paulteasdale/1-1-virtual-catch-up-with-paul 

Links to a couple of episodes of the Helping You perform series that I refer to in this episode:

REFRAME framework for identifying where new perspectives can add value to your organisation: https://rapid.paulteasdale.co.uk/podcasts/helping-people-perform/episodes/2147989212

Why Data Comes Last – the reasoning behind the RAPID Performance framework: https://rapid.paulteasdale.co.uk/podcasts/helping-people-perform/episodes/2147883756