REFRAME your perspective for performance: F1 Lessons Ep 23

Whether it's sausages changing banking, or ballerinas helping the pit stop perform, sometimes you need a new perspective in order to improve your performance

The REFRAME model gives you something to follow to help identify the new perspectives to up your game:

  • RESULT - what is the performance you're trying to find?
  • ELEMENTS - what are the elements of success that impact the results?
  • FOCUS - which of these elements give you the most leverage?
  • REPUTATION - who has a reputation for excellence in your focus areas?
  • ANALOGY - what is the story of connection that you can make to help 'sell' the story in your organisation?
  • MASTERY - how has that organisation developed mastery?
  • EXECUTION - how can you adapt the learnings and then adopt the approaches so that they become standard practice in your organisation?