People and Capability: F1 Lessons Ep 6

In this week's episode of the Helping You Perform podcast I talk about the 'P' of the RAPID Performance framework, for 'People'. In particular, I talk about how to ensure you have the right people in your organisation, and align that to the Actions section of RAPID.

I talk about an insightful story about how an unlikely candidate ended up excelling at a Strategist role, and what we can all learn from that.

I also explore the ACES model, which overs:

  • Action (building on the 'A' section of RAPID)
  • Capabilities
  • Environment
  • Support

Ultimately I'd like you to think about the advantages that you could get by tapping into pools of talent that your competition may be ignoring.

As always, please don't hesitate to contact me through the website and set up a no-obligations 1:1 chat to see what value I can add to you