Ironman training, with Laura Siddall: Ep 8

A slightly different angle to Helping People Perform in this episode, where I delve into the world of helping yourself perform as an elite athlete, speaking with professional triathlete Laura Siddall. Not only does Laura have a background in helping others perform through performance improvement roles, she also coaches, mentors and supports others in womenā€™s sport and the world of professional triathlon. All this on top of going from strength to strength in her own triathlon and Ironman performance. An amazing glimpse into the world of dedication, sacrifice and commitment that it takes to get to, and stay at, the top of your game in an ultra-competitive world. You can connect with and support Laura on social media at @lmsid on Instagram, @lmsiddall on Twitter or via her website at You can also find out more about some of the amazing work that Laura is involved with at and For more info on some of the sponsors and supporters that Laura gives a shout out to, go to and